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Company Profile

  STOP: Does my company's profile already exist?
Search for your company and if found, please contact us to request access to edit.

  • Current Name/Address
  • Description
  • Contacts
  • Markets/Capabilities
  • Company Type
  • Quality/Certifications
  • Other
  • Preview
  • Complete
Indicates required field

Please note:

  • You DO NOT need to complete all fields of this form in order to create a company profile.
    (Minimum required fields include: company name, address, county, description, products manufactured, primary NAICS code, profile maintainer's email)
  • Be sure to click the SUBMIT button to save your work. The Submit button will appear on Tab 7 (or Tab 8, for premium users).
  • You can edit your profile at any time using a unique URL that will be provided upon submission.
  • Your initial profile submission will not automatically be made public. It will first be reviewed by an IMA administrator.
Company Address
Begin typing, then select county name from dropdown list