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Merger Mines Corporation

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Merger Mines Corporation

Contact Information

Address: 3714 Industrial Loop
Coeur d'Alene   ID 83815
Phone: (208) 664-8801
Business Development Contact: Gary Mladjan


Unionized? No

Company Details

Company Type:
Merger is the global leader in the development and use of lasers for mining. This innovative use of lasers and robotics has the potential to change the way mining is done world-wide. Merger’s innovative mining methods will lower mining costs significantly, and reduce miners’ exposure to dangerous situations they typically encounter when using explosives and traditional mining equipment.

Aside from mining ventures, the Merger Laser Miner could find uses in the Construction Industry such as by-pass tunneling in the construction of dams, highway tunnels or the splitting of large rocks in landslide situations where timely clearing of highways is essential. Another proposed use would be clearing access to trapped areas in the event of natural disasters such as earthquakes or mine cave-ins or spelunking miss-adventures.

Merger has world class technical experts to oversee the design and manufacture of the robotic laser vein miner arrays, and Merger has one of the finest mining engineers in the U.S. to assist the Laser Vein Miner design team with his mine design and operational expertise. They will be working closely at any mining location where Merger is testing and fine tuning the laser arrays, and they will be available to assist mining companies that purchase or lease the mining arrays from the company.
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